Ready to discover your perfect personality color...
...so you can understand your communication style
take the quiz ᐳ
Only 7% of Communication is Verbal
The rest is visual. And yet we have no idea how color can be used as a vital communication tool!
Can you really afford not to know your personality color in order to more clearly communicate?
take the quiz ᐳ
The Color Personality Quiz
The only quiz that helps you discover your perfect personality color that will crystallize your communication with others around you.
What You Will Learn:
- THE 8 KEY COMMUNICATION COLORS There are only 8 primary colors to choose from for a color that actually resonates with someone emotionally.
- HOW TO ADJUST YOUR THINKING TO COLOR COMMUNICATION Visual cues are key - I'll show you how to use them
- YOUR KEY COMMUNICATION COLOR After answering the questions, I'll show you the color that will work best for you
Everything Starts with Color
Let's get the first step started by finding your personality color - the rest is easy!

Why I'm Your Color Psychology guru...
I help amazing humans {like you!} discover the secrets of color so they can live more intentionally, find more joy + empower their intentions by what colors they put into their environment.
You may run a business, teach at your local school or raise the next generation...I've seen color impact every person imaginable.
And I've seen these strategies take people from frustrated, lost + even unwell to more focused, energetic + happy.
Color truly is the cure for everyone.